Are Food Processors Really Worth It? Breaking Down The Pros And Cons!

So, you’d like to buy a food processor, right?

You’ve probably heard you can do lots of things with a food processor, and indeed you can. The big question is:

Are food processors really worth it?

And the answer is… it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

For instance, take a food processor; it could be a Cuisinart that would cost you $99. And the only reason that you'd be buying it could be to grate coconut.

And that’s all that you may ever use it for. But to you it may be worth it.


Well, if you have ever had to manually grate two or three coconuts with a box grater, then you’ll understand why is it a good buy for you.

So similarly, you need to figure out exactly, at least that one cooking chore you hate doing? Can a food processor do it for you? 

The Hero Your Kitchen Deserves?

A food processor can be a real time-saver in the kitchen.

And it’s amazing how one appliance can accomplish so many different and varied tasks – chopping, slicing, shredding, mixing.

But here’s the problem:

For all its potential, there’s a common perception that it’s intimidating or excessively complex.

There is some truth to this. With all the different blades, attachments and add-ons, it’s no wonder some feel a bit overwhelmed.

However, despite any preconceptions, you can make an informed choice and buy the food processor that’s worth it for you.

The first thing to do is..

Take the time to learn more about this appliance and how it works.

This can make all the difference, ensuring it becomes an indispensable partner in your kitchen, rather than another gadget collecting dust.

Like any tool, a food processor is only as effective as the hands that wield it.

So, by learning all you can about it before you buy, you’re more likely to use it to its full potential.

And not have buyer’s remorse.

As we delve deeper into this topic, you’ll discover the pros and cons, what makes a great food processor, and some practical and amazing uses for this very efficient kitchen gadget.

So, if you’re ready to discover the potential of this multi-tasking kitchen tool and elevate your cooking experience, you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s jump right in.

The 6 Key Attributes Of A Great Food Processor

A food processor is an indispensable tool in the kitchen, but what makes one great?

Let’s explore some of the key features that elevate a good food processor to greatness.

Things to consider are:

1) Powerful Motor

The heart of any food processor is its motor. A powerful motor ensures that your machine can handle tough ingredients and heavy-duty tasks like kneading dough or grinding nuts without straining or burning out.

2) Diverse Attachments

A top-notch food processor comes with a variety of attachments for different culinary tasks. These may include slicing discs, shredding blades, dough hooks, and more.

With this much versatility, you can experiment with various recipes and techniques to see what works for you.

3) User-Friendly Controls

Simplicity is another hallmark of a great food processor.

Look for models with intuitive controls – typically pulse, low-speed, and high-speed options are sufficient for most cooking needs.

4) Durable Construction

Your food processor should be built to last.

High-quality materials such as stainless-steel blades ensure longevity while also providing superior performance compared to their plastic counterparts.

5) Ease Of Cleaning

Cooking should be fun not stressful!

Therefore, it’s essential that all parts (except the base with the motor) are dishwasher safe or at least easy-to-clean manually which saves time after meal preparation!

6) Safety Features

Last but certainly not least, on our list are safety features:

  • non-slip feet keep your appliance steady on the countertop
  • locking mechanisms prevent operation if everything isn’t properly assembled; and
  • overload protection safeguards the motor

In summary, a great food processor is powerful, versatile, user-friendly, durable, easy to clean and safe.

With these features in mind, you are well equipped to make an informed decision when purchasing your next kitchen helper!

The Food Processor Debate: Weighing The Pros And Cons

While buying a food processor might seem straightforward, making an informed choice is essential.

The right processor can transform your cooking experience.

Likewise the wrong one can lead to immense frustration.

Remember, the right one makes your investment worthwhile.

Pros: What A Food Processor Does Well

Let me give you some examples:

1) Faster Meal Preparation

A major benefit of using a food processor is the speed at which it operates. Your salsa gets ready in seconds rather than minutes.

This can be particularly handy when hosting parties or preparing large meals where multiple dishes need attention simultaneously.

2) Save Money
Apart from making meal prep faster and easier, using a food processor can save money too.

Let me explain how:

  • You can buy larger quantities of whole foods instead of pre-cut versions – saving on packaging and labor costs.
  • You’ll reduce waste by using every part of the fruit and vegetable – even stems or leaves often thrown away.
  • Cooking meals at home becomes quicker and more efficient – potentially reducing spending on takeout or ready-made meals.

3) Diversifying Your Menu

With a good food processor, homemade hummus, salsa verde or even almond butter are within reach.

By expanding what you can make at home, it opens doors to diverse cuisines without stepping outside your door.

4) Versatility at Its Best

You might be surprised by how many tasks one device can handle.

Slicing veggies for salad? Check.

Grinding nuts into butter? Done.

Preparing breadcrumbs from scratch? Easy-peasy.

This gadget wears many hats with style and efficiency.

5) Precision Is Key

The food processor offers precision that hand chopping simply cannot match.

With its adjustable settings, you can get evenly sliced cucumbers or perfectly diced onions every single time.

6) Makes Cooking More Fun

Cooking becomes less of a chore when you have help doing the tedious tasks.

Instead of spending ages grating carrots or mincing garlic by hand (and possibly risking your fingers), let the food processor do it while you focus on more creative aspects of cooking.

7) Making Healthier Choices Easier

Cooking from scratch allows control over ingredients ensuring healthier choices without sacrificing taste – think fresh hummus without preservatives.

A food processor helps in making such choices more feasible.

8) Batch Prep

The ability to process large quantities is another big plus.

Prepping meals for parties or meal prepping for the week becomes far more manageable with this trusty tool at hand.

9) Extras Galore

With different blades and settings, the possibilities are almost endless.

Cons: Where A Food Processor Falls Down

Here are a few ways:

1) The Initial Investment

Purchasing a food processor isn’t like buying an extra spatula – there’s an initial investment involved.

Prices of food processors range widely, from budget-friendly options to more expensive models with advanced features.

2) Noisy Operation

While food processors are efficient, they can be quite loud. It’s like having a mini-jet engine in your kitchen.

It could be disruptive to those nearby if the sound of a food processor isn’t something you or they can tolerate.

3) Cleanup

You also need to consider cleanup time. While some parts are dishwasher-safe, others may need handwashing which adds up on busy days.

4) Limited Quantity Processing

A common misconception is that food processors can handle large volumes of ingredients at once.

However, overfilling leads to uneven chopping and potential motor burnout.

5) Size Considerations

If your counter space is limited, finding room for this kitchen tool and any extra attachments might prove challenging.

Also, larger models can be heavy to move around frequently.

6) Not Always Efficient

You’d think being able to chop anything would mean any amount too.

  • But small quantities often get lost under the blade instead of getting chopped up properly – more suited for batch processing than one-off tasks.
  • For very small quantities or tasks, setting up and cleaning the food processor might be more time-consuming than manually performing the task

7) Easy to Overdo

Be careful! One second too long and you might end up with mush.

8) Learning Curve

While many find them easy to use, there’s still a learning curve involved in understanding which blade or setting to use for different tasks.

This can be intimidating or frustrating for some users.

9) Energy Consumption

Unlike manual tools, food processors consume electricity. While they may not use a lot of power for short tasks, regular or prolonged use can add to the electricity bill.

10) Wear and Tear

Blades and components can become dull or wear out over time, requiring replacements.

Finding specific parts for older models or less-known brands might be challenging.

11) Safety Concerns

If not used correctly, there’s a risk of injury, especially when assembling or disassembling the blades.

Additionally, malfunctioning units or those with compromised safety features can pose hazards.

12) Not All Are Created Equal

While some are built to last, others might throw in the towel early, especially with tougher foods.

By now you must be wondering if buying a food processor is a good idea after all.

Most of the ‘cons’ are not deal breakers.

I added them here to give you an idea of potential gotchas to look out for.

You can eliminate most of these ‘cons’ by choosing the right machine and using it efficiently.

Who Can Benefit The Most From A Food Processor?

From busy parents to health-conscious individuals, many people find that a food processor is an essential tool in their kitchen.

But let’s break down who could really reap the benefits of owning one.

A) Home Cooks and Food Enthusiasts

The home cook looking to experiment with new recipes or speed up meal prep will find a food processor incredibly helpful.

It quickly chops vegetables, grates cheese, mixes dough, and more – making it easier for you to whip up gourmet meals without spending all day in the kitchen.

Food enthusiasts, those who enjoy cooking as a hobby or even run their own cooking blog would also greatly appreciate this appliance.

It allows them to effortlessly explore complex dishes and broaden their recipe repertoire.

B) Fitness Buffs And Health-Conscious Individuals

If you’re focused on healthy eating habits, like preparing smoothies or creating homemade sauces free from preservatives – then yes.

A food processor is your friend.

It lets you have complete control over what goes into your meals – so say goodbye to hidden sugars.

C) Diet-Specific Eaters And People with Disabilities

A person following specific diets such as paleo might often need finely chopped nuts or cauliflower rice – tasks easily accomplished by using a food processor.

And not forgetting folks with disabilities; arthritis sufferers may struggle with manual chopping but can get much-needed help from this handy gadget.

So, if you’re any of these people – or simply someone who enjoys convenience in the kitchen – a food processor could be just what you need to elevate your cooking game.

Here are a few ways to do that.

19 Different Ways To Use A Food Processor

  1. Butter: Start with heavy cream and end up with freshly churned butter in minutes. Who knew?
  2. Nut Butter and Flour: Grind nuts into creamy butters or process into a fine flour for baking.
  3. Sauces and Dressings: Whether it’s pesto, chimichurri, aioli, or vinaigrette, the food processor can blend ingredients smoothly for delectable sauces and dressings.
  4. Shredded Cheeses: Grate blocks of cheese quickly and evenly, perfect for toppings and recipes.
  5. Dips & Salsas: Blend beans for hummus, avocados for guacamole, or tomatoes and chilies for salsa, achieving the ideal texture every time.
  6. Vegetables: Efficiently chop, shave, slice, or shred veggies for salads, casseroles, or garnishes.
  7. Energy Bars and Balls: Mix dried fruits, nuts, and seeds for a quick, nutrient-packed snack.
  8. Guilt-Free Grains: Turn cauliflower or broccoli into a wholesome, low-carb alternative to traditional rice, with a few quick pulses. Perfect for those aiming for healthier meal options!
  9. Shaved Ice: Crush ice into a fine texture perfect for slushies and cocktails.
  10. Nice Cream: Process frozen bananas and other fruits for a dairy-free, healthier ice cream alternative.
  11. Breadcrumbs: Turn stale bread into fresh breadcrumbs for coating or topping.
  12. Sliced Meat: Thinly slice meats uniformly, ideal for sandwiches or platters.
  13. Jam/Marmalade: Chop fruits finely and blend with sweeteners, ready to be cooked into delicious jams and marmalade.
  14. Powdered Sugar: Transform granulated sugar into a super-fine powder, perfect for dusting or icing.
  15. Mirepoix: Quickly dice onions, carrots, and celery to form the base for countless dishes.
  16. Whipped Cream: Whisk heavy cream into a fluffy topping for desserts.
  17. Kneading Dough: Combine ingredients for pizza, bread, or pie dough, ensuring an even mixture.
  18. Ground Meat: Achieve a custom blend by grinding cuts of meat for burgers or meatballs.
  19. Baby Food: Puree vegetables, fruits, or meats into a smooth texture suitable for little ones.

Amazing, isn’t it?

Let’s Recap

So there you have it.

You now know what makes a great food processor as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

Now that you know some of the incredible things this multi-tasker kitchen tool can do, you can take the next step by asking yourself the following questions.

Deciding On A Food Processor In 8 Super Simple Steps

You start by asking yourself these questions:

1. What’s my Culinary Style?

2. Physical Considerations

3. Investment or Experiment?

4. Special Needs?

5. Brand Reputation

6. Frequency of Large Batches:

7. Kitchen Space

8. Budget Limitations